Office 365 Security Monitoring

Whilst Office 365 is hosted on Microsoft’s Azure platform, protected behind their security defences, it doesn’t monitor is unusual behaviour which can either pose a security risk or alert to the fact a hacker has got into the account. This is why we offer an additional Office 365 Security Monitoring Service.

It looks at exactly what’s happening with user accounts and on the tenancy, using a combination of artificial intelligence, machine rules and person analysis to determine whether activities occurring should could be a security concern.

So what does it show?

So common things we see flagged up are when login attempts are attempted from locations your users wouldn’t commonly log into (so like a hacker trying to brute-force the account from China when you are usually logged in from the UK), and even things like whether login attempts are realistic.

It also confirms whether login attempts have been successful or whether additional measures such as MFA prevented the login. The monitoring also looks at unusual activity such as large volumes of files being deleted from OneDrive/SharePoint (which could be malicious), or activities such as email forwarding being set up to external email accounts outside of the tenancy or mail rules being configured to “hide” emails; all techniques that are typically used by hackers or scammers to hide their activities.

We know that’s a lot of information…

Knowledge is definitely king in the security game and it’s impossible to keep manual eyes on everything that’s happening across the tenancy and this monitoring platform does just that and alerts us so we can check with yourselves whether the activity is correct or suspicious – it’s been proven very effective for our other customers in the fight against Cyber Security.

“Knowledge is definitely King in the security game”

If you need more information on how to get your data backed up, please get in touch!

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